Monday, November 24, 2008

Once again, the day is saved!

After my first ever post, I've decided to write down my next...

Hmm. What to write...what to write...
Well, now that I've started a blog to faithfully *coughs* maintain, I guess I should impose rules around here, don't you think?

I've got a few in mind so lemme enumerate them for you. . .

Just rant and rant and blabber about anything you wanna spill, talk about and share to everyone.

Speak out and say whatever for the sake of letting your voice be heard. We all are capable of processing even the simplest information in our precious brain, right?

I love meeting new friends so feel free to talk to me.
Comments are love! I don't bite. Really. So don't be scared to approach me. I mean, if I do accidentally bite your arm or leg off, worry not 'cause I don't have rabies. HARHAR. (The last part's a joke, okay? We're not being too serious here)

That's basically it. For any rules that I might wanna add in the future, I'll just post them later. Kk.

My head's starting to hurt so TTFN. Ta ta for now. =)

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